No Work Experience? How Do You Stand Out if You’re Starting Fresh?

Workforce | Job Seeker | How to prepare for a job | Short course | Prepare yourself for a job

Are you new to the workforce? Sometimes this can be both daunting and tough. Employer’s (not all, but some) may not be willing to give you a go if you are a newbie. So how do you avoid this from happening and how do you stand out from others? 

It could be as simple as taking some of the below steps to stand out from the crowd. Read on to find out!

Short Courses

There are many ways you can better your chances of scoring a job when you are new to the workforce. One thing employer’s love to see on a resume is certificates from completing short courses, or other ways you have gained extra skills to prepare yourself for a job.

Short courses are a great way to get yourself job ready as they are affordable, don’t take long to complete and provide you with a range of industry specific skills and knowledge. 

Completing a certificate 2, 3 or 4 is also a great way to gain industry specific skills and make your resume stand out to potential employers. 

Below are some recommended courses through HITsa


It’s great if you have completed a relevant course or training for the job that you are applying for, but it’s your resume that will get you across the line. Don’t disadvantage yourself by having a poorly written/designed resume. Make sure that your resume is easy to read, includes all your relevant information and stands out from the rest. 

Check out this blog here for more tips on resume writing.

Ace the Interview

You have completed your training, polished your resume and now you are applying for jobs. This means your next step will be an interview (hopefully)! 

Interviews can be scary, even when you have been in the workforce for years and had your fair share of interviews.

Here are some tips to help you ace yours when you land one:  

  • Ask questions 
  • Show positive body language 
  • Show interest in what the business/company does
  • Be punctual

Need more tips? Read this blog here.

Kickstart Your Career Journey Today!

Now that we have covered the basics on how to stand out when you have no previous work experience, it’s time to get out there and kick start your career. 

Everyone has to start somewhere and there’s plenty of ways to prepare yourself for a job. Complete a short course, have a great resume, and know how to ace an interview.

Furthermore, get in touch with the HITsa team today and see how we can help you on your career journey. Call 08 8375 2800 or view our Adelaide courses online and fill out an enquiry form.