Certificate IV Leadership and Management [BSB40520]


Certificate IV Leadership and Management [BSB40520]

Thinking of furthering your education whilst on the job?

Meet HITsa’s RTO Coordinator who is doing just that.

Lundi is currently undertaking study at HITsa Clarence Gardens to gain a Certificate IV in Leadership and Management under traineeship arrangements as part of her employment.

This is what Lundi has to say about her experience training at HITsa:

“I decided to pursue this path to develop further skills and knowledge in my career. It has been quite challenging, yet extremely engaging and interesting.

I have enjoyed many units such as; Implement customer service strategies, Articulate present and debate ideas and Lead difficult conversations’. I have been able to apply this knowledge in my current role. Mark, HITsa’s Leadership Trainer, has extensive industry knowledge and continues to keep me engaged.

If you’re looking for a challenge and to gain some personal and professional development than I highly recommend committing to this qualification.

Talk with your employer and see whether they can support you in a contract of training.

Come join me!”

Lundi T, RTO Coordinator