HITsa and Maxima partnership for Aged Care
HITsa and Maxima partnership for Aged Care
Maxima, in partnership with HITsa and the Government of South Australia, will be running a pre-employment program to place 20 graduates into Supported Aged Care Traineeships to support skills growth through traineeship opportunities in the Aged Care Sector.
The traineeships are offered in Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) CHC33015, with Maxima providing a number of additional, tailored services to support successful placements. Standard and additional services will include:
Standard Group Training Services:
- Management of traineeship recruitment and employer registration
- Signing of Training Contract
- Payment of wages and on-costs
- Engagement of appropriate Registered Training by HITsa
- Ongoing mentoring and support to the trainee/apprentcie to maximise the chance of a successful outcome
Additional Services provided through the Supported Aged Care Traineeship Program include fully subsidised:
- Local Advertising and group information sessions
- Pre-screening including relevant clearances and checks
- Physical and psychometric testing
- Full-day first aid training (accredited)
- 1/2 day Manual Handling course
- Full-day ‘Personal Stressors in the Workplace’
- 2 days ‘Meet Personal Support Needs’
- 2hr ‘Supervisor Training’ to develop host supervisor’s mentoring and training skills
- Uniforms: supplied pants, shirts and shoes
- Training Management and Coordination
- Post-traineeship employment support (assistance to find ongoing placements)