HITsa celebrates 20 years

Congratulations HITsa on 20 years
What an achievement. Thank you to everybody – students, staff and industry partners, who have helped HITsa reach this milestone.
From small beginnings starting at the Norwood Hotel in 2005 to what it is today, HITsa has accomplished so much!
- 5 HITsa Locations – Salisbury, Clarence Gardens, Mt Barker, Mt Gambier and the Commercial Kitchen in Adelaide’s CBD
- Offsite Training delivered across metro and regional SA and as far away as Melbourne!
- Offering a diverse range of qualifications and short courses in Hospitality, Cookery, Individual Support, Community Services, Early Childhood Education and Care, Cleaning Operations, Retail, Business Administration, Leadership and Entrepreneurship
The occasion was celebrated at each of our sites with party fare and decorations.

Happy Anniversary to the HITsa Team!
At HITsa we’ve had plenty of milestones to celebrate in recent months.
In December ’24 we acknowledged the 15 year service anniversary of our General Manager, Julie and 25 years of service by our Business Manager, Sarah. Both started work within HITsa’s parent company the Saturno Group, prior to their involvement with HITsa.
The party continued into January, with HITsa sharing it’s celbration of 20 years of operation with Executive Officer, Olly who was also chalking up the same amazing 20 year milestone.
Olly’s passion for quality training has been a driver behind HITsa’s growth and success. Reflecting on her career we did a quick Q+A:
What has been your highlight from the last 20 years?
Watching the growth of the organisation not only sites but also diversity in the training options and qualifications we offer
What was the best piece of advice you have received?
There are so many but I always remember “Write the email then delete – wait and start again”
What’s your next goal?
Taking HITsa to the next level of growth