HITsa Short Courses are back in full swing

HITsa Short Courses are back in full swing

Enrol Now Cog
06.03.2023SalisburyProvide Responsible Service of Alcohol
08.03.2023SalisburyBasic Gaming (CBS^ Approved)
14.03.2023Clarence GardensPrepare and Serve Espresso Coffee
16.03.2023SalisburyProvide Responsible Service of Alcohol
20.03.2023Clarence GardensAdvanced Gaming (non-accredited)
20.03.2023SalisburyBasic Gaming (CBS^ Approved)
22.03.2023Clarence GardensProvide Responsible Service of Alcohol
27.03.2023Clarence GardensBasic Gaming (CBS^ Approved)
30.03.2023SalisburyProvide Responsible Service of Alcohol