HITsa Short Courses October 24

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14.10.2024Clarence GardensProvide Responsible Service of Alcohol
15.10.2024Clarence GardensBasic Gaming (CBS^ Approved)
18.10.2024Clarence GardensFood Safety Supervisor Skill Set
21.10.2024SalisburyBasic Gaming (CBS^ Approved)
21.10.2024Clarence GardensPrepare and Serve Espresso Coffee
21.10.2024SalisburyServe Food and Beverage
24.10.2024SalisburyFood Safety Supervisor Skill Set
25.10.2024SalisburyProvide Responsible Service of Alcohol
28.10.2024Mount BarkerPrepare and Serve Espresso Coffee
28.10.2024Mount BarkerProvide Responsible Service of Alcohol
04.11.2024SalisburyBasic Gaming (CBS^ Approved)