RSA to coursebox
SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
Update to online platform
HITsa has launched it’s new online platform for SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol short course. Collaborating with CourseBox to develop an interactive learning journey with HITsa’s very own AI trainer – Rosetta.
Rosetta summarises course content and delivers it verbally as an alternative method of learning. She is also able to answer all questions (in any language!) relating to the course content.
Students can progress through the course at their own pace, completing self-marking questions and submitting responses that our assessors will then review and mark. While they are waiting for their results however, Rosetta has the capacity to mark the students work across the areas of understanding, application, critical thinking, creativity, organisation and clarity.
The final assessment for RSA requires all students to upload a range of videos showing how they can serve alcohol responsibly and refuse service in a professional manner, all of which will be reviewed and marked by our qualified assessors.