Talking HITsa

HITsa honestly has some of the best students around. HITsa loves hearing success stories from current and previous students following their training.

Cassandra has been a regular student since January, completing a wide variety of hospitality industry courses. Cassandra has recently been successful in obtaining employment and is absolutely loving her new career path!

“I have always loved the support of the HITsa staff and trainers, I started training with HITsa through the EST training program in early 2022, when I started I was unsure whether the training was for me, however I gave it a go and enjoyed it so much that I came back for a number of short courses such as espresso coffee training, cocktail making, basic gaming and bar operations, I already have and will continue to strongly recommend HITsa for all training opportunities”

Cassandra R

Marshall, a recent student of both the Retail and Cookery Skill Sets, was offered employment at the Gilbert Street Hotel following his training with HITsa.

“I’ve recently done two separate skill sets with HITsa, currently undertaking a third course. The process was smooth and the trainers I had were caring and helpful, the environment and atmosphere was good and welcoming and my overall experience with HITsa has been amazing!”

Marshall G

Kylie completed her Get Ready for Cleaning Skill Set with HITsa earlier this year. Through HITsa’s partnership with a number of industry employers, Kylie successfully gained employment following the completion of this Government Subsidised Skill Set.

“What I loved the most about training with HITsa, was the support that I received from my trainer. They were very approachable and really knew their stuff’

Kylie W

An Employment Provider gave feedback from their participant and what they had to say about their experience at HITsa

“HITsa is friendly and helpful. Jessica has trained with HITsa in the past and found that the trainers have always accommodated her, made her feel comfortable when learning has been a challenge and she has recommended HITsa to others”.

Sylvia from Jobs Statewide said on behalf of her participant Jessica M