HITsa Training and Employment – Policy and Procedure

Induction Process – students

No:                  HITP0020/10

Issued:             09.01.2006

Reviewed:       11.01.2022


To ensure all students are introduced to their training including information about their rights and responsibilities, the training facilities, HITsa personnel and all relevant legislation.


Areas affected: 

HITsa Training and Employment



When a student enrols into training with HITsa, it is essential that he/she is provided with all relevant information about their role, responsibilities and rights as well as their training environment.


All students must be inducted on their first day of training with HITsa.  This induction may occur in a group form or individually dependent on circumstances.

The trainer is responsible for performing the induction and will sign the induction kit paperwork once the induction has been completed.  This will then be filed as a record.

The RTO Coordinator and Administration Trainee are responsible for ensuring induction kits are available to the trainer and that any student requiring induction is highlighted on the class attendance sheet that the trainer refers to on the day of any training course.

Paperwork retained as a record includes the enrolment form and induction kit.  A student only needs to complete these forms once per year (calendar year) as some students will enrol into multiple courses throughout the year.  HITsa requests that students complete a new form every year so that records are up to date (phone number, address etc).   The documentation included in the induction kit is listed in the policy and procedure Induction Kit – student.

Procedure end