HITsa Training and Employment – Policy and Procedure
Work Health and Safety
No: HITP0016/12
Issued: 09.01.2006
Reviewed: 10.01.2022
To minimise the risk of injury and disease to all HITsa employees and students by adopting a planned and systematic approach to management of WH&S and providing the resources for its successful implementation
Areas affected:
HITsa Training and Employment staff and sites
In its pursuit of quality in all aspects, HITsa recognises the significance of integrating health and safety into all organisational activities. Through its management structure and with the support of all staff, HITsa will provide and maintain the highest possible standards of health, safety and well being for all employees and students.
To prevent injuries to and illness of HITsa staff and students and to minimise property damage due to accidents. To fully integrate health and safety with all other operational functions of HITsa so that all staff and students are working with
- a safe environment and safe systems
- plant and substances in a safe condition
- appropriate knowledge and information about hazards in their area and adequate instruction, training and supervision
- adequate facilities including access to medical, health and first-aid services
- an effective means of consultation and communication on health and safety issues
- an effective system for monitoring their health, welfare and conditions
- an effective mechanism for reporting, recording and investigation of hazards identified and/or work-related illness and injury
- an effective rehabilitation strategy providing full support to those whose health has been affected by their activities
To ensure staff and students leaving HITsa take with them an attitude that accepts good health and safety practice as normal.
To identify and evaluate existing hazards and to implement suitable control measures to prevent injury or illness as well as minimise the introduction of new hazards.
To inform staff and students about remaining hazards and instruct them in safe ways of dealing with them.
To gain the co-operation and support of all staff and students in following safe procedures and practices and to minimise the severity of injuries, illness and property damage when accidents do occur.
Framework for Implementation
For effective implementation of the policy, it is essential that all levels of management and staff/students are committed and involved. Varying degrees of responsibility must therefore be delegated throughout the organisational structure, together with the appropriate authority and accountability. Mechanisms for consultation with staff and students must be established and training programs developed to equip all with the knowledge to fulfil their obligations.
There must be a clearly defined chain of responsibility for health and safety in all areas within HITsa control, to ensure that individuals are aware of their responsibility for the safety of themselves and others.
Responsibility for the management of health and safety at HITsa will be as follows:
Senior Management
The Directors have ultimate responsibility for meeting this policy’s aims and objectives as well as the requirements Act, Regulations and Codes of Practice made under the Act.
Specifically, it is the responsibility of the Executive Officer to:
- ensure that all staff and students are aware of their rights and responsibilities under the relevant legislation
- determine appropriate standards for WH&S in HITsa giving consideration to statutory requirements, government, industry and community expectations and resource implications
- promote WH&S and rehabilitation as priority issues for integration into all HITsa activities
- develop written safe work procedures for hazardous jobs and review regularly
Trainers have overall responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of students whilst training. They will oversee the implementation of the HITsa WH&S policies and programs.
Due consideration will be given to the implications for the health, safety and welfare of students at all sites and appropriate action taken to minimise the risk of injury or illness.
They will consult with students on any issues that affect the health, safety and welfare of students while they are training.
Students have a responsibility to work safely, taking reasonable care to protect their own health and safety and that of fellow students. They must make sure that events do not occur which make ineffective HITsa actions carried out for health and safety purposes.
- Students with WH&S concerns, information about a hazard they have noticed, or ideas for change should regard their Trainer as the first contact. If they are not satisfied with the response, they have a right to take their concern to the Executive Officer.
- Students have a right to know the hazards associated with their work and are fully instructed in safe procedures. They also have specific responsibilities which include;
- reporting all accidents, near-miss incidents, unsafe working practices or working conditions to their trainer as soon as possible
- report all hazards
- assisting accident investigators
- using and caring for equipment provided for health and safety purposes
- obeying any reasonable instruction given in relation to WH&S
- complying with HITsa policies and procedures
- ensuring that they are not, by the consumption of alcohol or a drug, in such a state as to endanger themselves or others
- not offering first aid to an injured person without first aid knowledge
- handle any equipment, including forklifts or company vehicles unless trained and authorised to
All contractors and sub-contractors will be obliged to follow such policies and procedures as HITsa requests and as with HITsa employees, to meet all relevant regulations, standards and codes of practice as a minimum standard. They must not, through their acts or omissions, do anything that will put at risk their own health or safety or that of HITsa staff or students.
In consultation with Senior Management, everyone is directly involved in the identification of hazards, evaluation of risks and determination and implementation of appropriate control measures.
Hazard Identification
- Report and investigate all accidents and near-miss incidents to the as soon as practicable and provide regular feedback on progress and action taken
- Analyse and monitor work practices, procedures and systems of work on a regular basis
- Inspect new items purchased for any characteristics or defects which may represent a hazard
- Inspect work areas for hazards and report back to the Executive Officer with any concerns.
Hazard Evaluation
- Assess the degree of risk of the hazard identified by means of considering the probability of loss of control of the hazard, the frequency with which such loss of control of the hazard is likely to occur, the number of people and/or amount of property exposed to the risk and the severity of the consequences
- Determine priorities for action based on what is required by law and resources available
Hazard Control
- Implement appropriate measures to control the hazards identified and minimise the risk
- Motivate staff and students to work safely by setting an example
- Provide information about work hazards and appropriate instruction and training to new and existing staff and students
- Actively supervise staff and students to ensure safe work procedures are followed
- Provide adequate personal protective equipment with appropriate instruction in use and care where other control measures are not feasible or achievable in the short term
HITsa will hold all staff and students accountable for the health, safety and welfare of themselves and others in so far as they are able within their level of authority. Specifically:
- position descriptions for staff reflect responsibility for WH&S
- WH&S shall be an integral part of discussions in HITsa review and planning process at all levels
- Trainers will provide a report to Senior Management, through regular meetings, on WH&S initiatives/activities which they undertake
- Any staff member or student failing to comply with HITsa policies in relation to health and safety or putting themselves or others at risk through their activities will be counselled
- Contractors who place themselves, staff of HITsa or students at risk or who fail to comply with relevant legislation and/or policies will be in breach of contract.
Dissemination of Policy
As part of the induction process all staff and students will be provided with a copy of this policy which is endorsed by the Directors.