HITsa’s Work Placement Coordinator

Jeanette is the Work Placement Coordinator for HITsa Training and Employment.

You will find her based at the HITsa Salisbury Site, you may have the pleasure of meeting her as she travels across our various sites to meet with students to discuss work placement requirements and opportunities.

Jeanette is at the forefront of our efforts to provide valuable work experiences for our students. Working closely with both our students and industry partners to facilitate placements that align with a students individual needs.

She has a passion for connecting students with meaningful work and empowers our students throughout their journey.  Jeanette says, “believe in yourself, your capabilities and don’t be afraid to ask questions – and it’s OK to be nervous”.

Most HITsa students undertaking a work placement are new to the industry but by the time they complete their placement, their confidence skyrockets!

It’s awesome hearing the stories and seeing the excitement when a student communicates that they have been given an offer of employment.

Jeanette pictured