Congratulations 2017 SACE Students!
Congratulations to all students who have finished their SACE Stage 2 this year. We do hope that you have completed this important qualification with a true sense of achievement and pride.
SACE is a valuable qualification
We love the holistic approach to learning embedded in this SACE description from the SACE website –
The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is a secondary school qualification designed to help you develop capabilities to live, learn, work, and participate successfully in an ever-changing society. It offers a lot of flexibility, allowing you to choose your subjects and complete the qualification in a timeframe that suits you.
These are powerful words. Traditionally, the primary focus of the final year of school has been to gain entry to tertiary education. Now the definition of the qualification is capturing a broader purpose. By way of example, the term “develop capabilities” isn’t just relating to subject knowledge. It’s also referencing life skills such as time management, communication, prioritisation, goal setting and resilience. As well as being necessary to achieving SACE, these skills are equally important for students to “live, learn, work and participate successfully” after secondary school.
SACE Stage 1 & 2 present very differently to the Year 12 / matriculation from a generation ago. Vocational learning, non-traditional learning (eg. community service) and a broader range of subjects are now options a student may select. This broader approach means that more students can achieve. In turn, this increased success is a great thing for our “ever-changing society”.
HITsa students
We would like to make special mention of our Sacred Heart College (SHC) students who completed their Certificate III in Retail through HITsa as part of their Stage 2 studies. The effort and commitment shown by these students has been exemplary. Congratulations to them for a job very well done!
HITsa looks forward to continuing our learning journey with SHC students studying Certificate III in Business Administration. These students will complete in 2018.
The endorsement received from SHC (below) acknowledges the positive relationships that are developing between SHC students and educators –
HITsa has been extremely accommodating to the needs of our students with disability and their approach professional in all aspects of the training provided. The trainers have developed a good rapport with the students and tailored the training to match the learning styles of each individual. HITsa’s regularly communicate with the relevant school personnel on student progress and liaise with workplace supervisors to ensure that the training is relevant and practical. We look forward to continuing our strong relationship with HITsa.
Meredith Jones, Learning Environment CoOrdinator
Sacred Heart College
Vocational learning and SACE
If you are now at the end of your secondary school journey, again our congratulations to you. We invite you to explore HITsa training courses on our website where you may find a course to set you up for a part time hospitality job that will support you through Uni, or you may find training and employment opportunities that can offer genuine career prospects.
Finally, if you are stepping into either SACE Stage 1 or 2 next year, why not explore the vocational qualifications available through HITsa? Up to 150 SACE credits can be recognised at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 for successfully completed qualifications. Please contact us on 8351 5855 to find out what is available in 2018.